Good morning. It's Sunday the 9th of June and here is the GB2RS news broadcast, prepared by the RSGB and intended for all radio amateurs and short-wave listeners. An editorial in the July edition of the ARRL's QST magazine requests US amateurs to help to defend the 2 metre and 70 centimetre bands. According to the editorial, written by the ARRL Executive Vice President Dave Sumner, K1ZZ, bands at 144 to 148 and 420 to 450MHz had been included in a list of possible additional frequency allocations for so-called "little LEOs", or low-earth-orbit mobile satellites. The RSGB is following developments closely to ensure that there are no proposals which could affect UK amateur allocations, and ARRL have informed us that this is "strictly a USA domestic matter". They believe that nothing should come out of the proposal which will merit concern. The Irish national society, the IRTS, has donated 250 pounds to the Phase 3D satellite fund. According to AMSAT-UK, the failure of the Ariane rocket launched from French Guyana on the 4th of June is unlikely to have any effect on the eventual launch date of the Phase 3D satellite. The Radiocommunications Agency informs us that repeater and beacon licensing is back on course again following the bombing at their Docklands headquarters. The RA apologises to those who have been kept waiting, but say that the repeater and beacon papers were amongst the last items to be retrieved from the South Quay building after the bombing. RSGB Headquarters at Potters Bar will be open next Saturday, the 15th of June, between 10.00 am and 4.00 pm. The bookshop and GB3RS shack will be available to visitors, as will the National Amateur Radio Museum and Library. Morse tests are also available on demand between 11.00 am and 12.30 pm, but don't forget to bring two passport-size photographs and the appropriate fee with you. Would listeners to the 80 metre GB2RS broadcast at 0900 from the station of G4ARZ please note that because of continuing difficulties with continental interference, this broadcast will move to 3640kHz next month. The last broadcast on 3650kHz will be on Sunday the 30th of June. We wish to express our thanks to the newsreaders who have attempted to provide the service on the original frequency in the face of severe difficulties. It is at their request that this change has been made. As announced previously, a new 80 metre newsreader is required to take over from GI3TLT at 1030 local time. Unless a volunteer can be found, this service will cease with the 22nd of June broadcast. Contact Ian Kyle, GI8AYZ, the GB2RS Manager, whose address and telephone number can be found in the "At Your Service" pages in RadCom. >From Sunday the 16th of June, the Tyne/Tees area GB2RS 2 metre FM broadcast will be at 9.00am instead of 10.00am. This broadcast, from the station of G0IID, has G4OLK as the first reserve newsreader, and is on 2 metres channel S21. A group of American amateurs are going to attempt to win the Brendan Trophies during the ARRL Field Day weekend of the 22nd and 23rd of June. The Brendan Trophies will be awarded to the first amateurs who can prove a two-way trans-Atlantic contact in the 2 metre band. Full details were given in the June 1995 RadCom. The Americans' station will be set up at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, in grid square FM26. They plan to operate a beacon on 144.175MHz from Thursday the 20th of June. They will also be operating on 6 metre SSB during the Field Day weekend. For further details, contact Peter Underhill, KD4RGD. His E-mail address is Now some items of HF DX news from the weekly RSGB DX News Sheet: >From Italy, II1ARI is active during the first three weekends in June to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Italian national society's Turin section. II1ARI will be active on SSB, CW and RTTY and the QSL information is via I1JQJ. >From Jamaica, PA3ERL will sign PA3ERL/6Y5 from Thursday the 13th of June until the 29th of June. And from Malta, DL4VCR is active as 9H3II from now until the 21st of June, with emphasis on 160 metres. Now news of a special event station: >From Turkey, YM12HCS is on the air from the European side of Istanbul, and YM22HCS from the Asian side of the city, on the occasion of the Habitat City Summit. This United Nations conference on human settlement is taking place between the 3rd and 14th of June. Next the Rally News: The 27th Elvaston Castle National Radio Rally takes place at Elvaston Castle Country Park near Derby today, Sunday, the 9th of June. The event, organised by the Nunsfield House Amateur Radio Group, features over 150 traders, a flea market for private vendors only, and plenty of attractions for the rest of the family. Talk-in by GB2ECR is on 2 metres channel S22 and on 70 centimetres, channel SU22. The Aldershot Amateur Radio Rally takes place today, the 9th, at Badshot Lea Sea Cadets HQ, Lower Weybourne Lane, Badshot Lea, near Aldershot. Doors open at 10.00am. On Saturday the 15th of June, the Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society mobile rally takes place at HMS Collingwood, between Fareham and Lee-on-the-Solent. The event features an RSGB bookstall and membership information stand. Doors open at 12.30pm and for further details telephone 01705 379265. The Newbury and District Amateur Radio Society boot sale takes place at Acland Hall and Recreation Field in Cold Ash near Newbury next Sunday, the 16th of June. Talk-in will be on 2 metres channel S22 and further details can be obtained by calling 01488 682814. The Newport Amateur Radio Society junk sale will take place next Sunday, the 16th, at Brynglas Community Education Centre, Brynglas Road in Newport. Doors open at 10.30am and talk-in will be on 2 metres channel S22. For further details, ring 01633 661998. The Denby Dale Amateur Radio Society annual rally takes place at Shelley High School, Huddersfield Road, Skelmanthorpe in West Yorkshire next Sunday, the 16th of June. For details, telephone 01484 861782. And the Barford Rally is also on Sunday the 16th. For details, ring 01953 607594. Now for the HF contest news: There are two contests taking place tomorrow and Tuesday. The Portugal Day contest takes place on SSB for the 24 hours of Monday the 10th of June. And the World Wide South America CW contest runs from 1200UTC on Monday the 10th until 1800 on Tuesday the 11th. Brief rules are in the June RadCom. Next weekend, the 15th and 16th, the All Asian DX CW Contest takes place for 48 hours from Zero Hours UTC on Saturday. Brief rules are on page 25 of the June RadCom. Next some VHF contest news: The 70MHz CW Contest takes place today, Sunday, the 9th of June, between 0900 and 1200 UTC. The rules are in the September 95 RadCom. Next Sunday, the 16th, the Second 144MHz "Backpackers" Contest takes place between 0900 and 1300 UTC. The rules are in the September 1995 RadCom. And now the solar factual data for the period from the 27th of May to the 2nd of June, compiled by Neil Clarke, G0CAS: First this week we start with the news of a trans-Atlantic opening on 50MHz. On the 28th, between 1851 and 2038 UTC, Don Kirby, GW0PLP, in Cardigan, West Wales, worked numerous Canadian and American stations. He was using 100 watts to a vertical antenna. In Darlington, County Durham, Clive Davies, G4FVP, who also caught the opening, reported that VE1RAA worked a string of Maltese stations. Solar flux levels remained steady and averaged 67 units. The 90-day solar flux average on the 2nd was 70 units. The X-Ray flux remained at A1 throughout. Geomagnetic activity was mostly "unsettled", but the 28th and the 1st were "quiet", with an Ap index of 5 units. The average was Ap 8 units. Bartel's rotation number 2224 started yesterday the 8th of June. Now the ionospheric data for Central France for the period from the 24th to the 30th of May. Levels varied from 5.5MHz on the 28th to 7.7MHz on the 30th, with an average of 6.6MHz. Darkness hour lows increased from 2.5MHz on the 24th to 3.2MHz on the 28th, and averaged 2.8MHz. The daytime highs took place between 1900 and 2200 every day except on the 26th, when they were at 1200. The darkness hour lows took place between 0300 and 0400 every day. Over the period 17 hours of blanketing E took place with 6 consecutive hours on the 24th. And lastly the solar forecast. The active side of the sun is expected to be rotating away, therefore solar flux levels are expected to decline to the high 60s. Geomagnetic activity is expected to be at "unsettled" levels most of the time. Ionospheric MUFs are expected to be about 19MHz for the south and 16MHz for the north. The darkness hour lows are expected to be about 11MHz. Sporadic E can be expected on any day, with trans-Atlantic openings on 50MHz possible. The Arieted meteor shower is at its peak and lasts till the 11th of June. And that's the end of the solar information. Finally in the main news, SSL has informed the Society that as of last Wednesday morning, the latest callsigns allocated were in the M0 Alfa Echo and M1 Alfa Bravo series, and Novice calls in the 2 0 Alfa Oscar and 2 1 Foxtrot Bravo series. Next, the local news. NEWS FOR THE SOUTH EAST Please note that Basingstoke Amateur Radio Club now meets at a new venue - the Sony Broadcast Social Club, Priestly Road, Basingstoke. For further information contact Clive, G4ODM on 01256 26050 during evening hours. Meetings for Wednesday the 12th of June: Bracknell Amateur Radio Club has a 'bring and show' evening. For further details contact Steve, G4AUC on 01344 420577. Cheshunt and District Amateur Radio Club has an on-the-air evening. For more details contact G3TIK whose address is correct in the latest RSGB Call Book. Darenth Valley Radio Society gathers for a talk entitled 'Amateur Radio on the Cheap - Modifying ex-PMR Equipment'. Telephone 01689 826846 for details. Fareham and District Amateur Radio Club meets for a talk by Steve, G7HEP entitled 'Setting up a VHF Mobile Station'. Further details from Andrew, G0AMS on 01329 235397. Farnborough and District Radio Society gathers for a talk on Petang. Contact Andy, G4XYW on 01344 761184 for further information. Worthing and District Amateur Radio Club gathers for a talk by G0NKZ entitled 'Cold Feet, Cold Nose - Experiences in the Antarctic'. Contact Roy, G4GPX on 01903 753893 for details. Meetings for Thursday the 13th of June: Edgware and District Radio Society meets for a talk by Ian, G4IUZ on 'Control of Industrial Gas Turbines'. For details call G0PQB on 0181 953 2164. Reading and District Amateur Radio Club has an equipment testing and alignment evening. For further details contact Jim, G0LHZ on 0118 984 2249. Shefford and District Amateur Radio Society has a VHF field day planning session and final equipment count. For details contact Derek, G4JLP on 01462 851722. Three Counties Amateur Radio Club meets to make contest preparations. Telephone 01428 606298 for further information. Meetings for Friday the 14th of June: Itchen Valley Amateur Radio Club has a treasure hunt. Contact Sheila, G0VNI on 01703 813827 for further details. Maidstone YMCA Amateur Radio Society has its Annual General Meeting. For further details contact Graham, G4AXD on 01622 729462. Medway Amateur Receiving and Transmitting Society meets for a talk and demonstration on SSTV by John, G6IVP. For details call 01634 710023. Mid Sussex Amateur Radio Society has a packet radio evening. Telephone 01444 241407 for more information. Silverthorn Radio Club makes preparations for the PW QRP contest. For further details contact Dave, G0KHC on 0181 505 1871. Meeting for Saturday the 15th of June: Crystal Palace and District Radio Club gathers for a talk by Stewart, G3YSX entitled 'Accurate Low Power Watt Meters'. Further details from G1PKS on 0181 653 2946. NEWS FOR THE SOUTH WEST Meeting for Sunday the 9th of June: Flight Refuelling Amateur Radio Society meets for a talk entitled 'the History of Defence Electronics'. Telephone 01425 653404 for more details. Meeting for Tuesday the 11th of June: Salisbury Amateur Radio Club has an on-the-air evening. Telephone 01722 329398 for details. Meeting for Wednesday the 12th of June: South Bristol Amateur Radio Club has an 'Aircraft Video Night'. For further details telephone 01275 834282. Meeting for Thursday the 13th of June: Yeovil Amateur Radio Club gathers for a talk entitled 'Morse Techniques' by G3KSK. For details contact Cedric, G4JBL on 01258 473845. Meeting for next Sunday the 16th of June: South Dorset Radio Society holds a 2m DF Foxhunt. Visitors to the area are welcome to take part. For details contact J Rose on 01305 832057. NEWS FOR EAST ANGLIA Meeting for Monday the 10th of June: Felixstowe and District Amateur Radio Society has a talk and demonstration on 'Weather Satellites' by Andrew, G7VPN. Contact Paul, G4YQC on 01394 273507 during evening hours for details. Meetings for Wednesday the 12th of June: Lincoln Short Wave Club gathers for a talk by Dave Henson entitled 'Walking the Viking Way'. Contact Pam, G4STO on 01427 788356 for more details. Norfolk Amateur Radio Club gathers to make preparations for its fox hunt. For further details contact John, G0VZD on 01953 604769. Meetings for Thursday the 13th of June: Colchester Radio Amateurs gather for a talk by John, G4SWX entitled 'Tricks with Coax'. Contact Brian, G0GGM on 01206 822547 for further information. Yarmouth Radio Club has a used equipment sale. For further details contact G3NHU on 01493 721173. Meeting for Friday the 14th of June: Cambridge and District Amateur Radio Club has a 'Shooting Evening'. Telephone 01954 782974 for further information. NEWS FOR THE MIDLANDS Meeting for Sunday the 9th of June: Bromsgrove and District Amateur Radio Club gathers for a talk entitled 'Forty Years of the Four Metre Band'. Telephone 01527 542266 for more details. Meetings for Monday the 10th of June: Leicester Radio Society has an on-the-air evening. Telephone 0116 291 7250 for details. Mansfield Amateur Radio Society has an on-the-air evening. For details telephone 01623 631931. Malvern Hills Radio Amateurs Club has a field event at Malvern Common. Contact Jim, G0OWS on 01684 576538 for more details. Stratford upon Avon and District Radio Society has a two metre direction finding contest. Telephone 01789 773286 for more details. Meetings for Tuesday the 11th of June: Buxton Radio Amateurs gather for 'Ron's Night'. Contact Derek, G4IHO on 01298 25506 for further information. Loughborough and District Amateur Radio Club has a two metre DF hunt. Contact Alan, G0PHT on 01509 231289 for more details. Mid-Warwickshire Amateur Radio Society has a fox hunt. Contact G8HRI on 01926 424465 for further details. Wolverhampton Amateur Radio Society meets for a talk entitled 'Modern Aids to Working HF DX'. Telephone 0902 324750 for more details. Meetings for Wednesday the 12th of June: South Notts Amateur Radio Club meets to erect its new aerials - weather permitting. For details write to PO Box 4, Clifton, Nottingham NG11 9DE. Telford and District Amateur Radio Society has a DF hunt. Details from Mike, G3JKX on 01952 299677. Meeting for Thursday the 13th of June: Salop Amateur Radio Society has an on-the-air evening. For details write to Ian Davies, G7SBD, 56 Roselyn, Shrewsbury SY1 4LP. Meeting for Saturday the 15th of June: GPT Amateur Radio Club has its gala day. More details from Chris, G4VFK on 0115 922 6321. NEWS FOR THE NORTH OF ENGLAND Meeting for Sunday the 9th of June: North Cheshire Radio Club meets for a talk by Gordon, G3LEQ entitled 'Sending Morse in Colour' which will be followed by a Morse instruction class. For further information telephone 01565 652652. Meetings for Monday the 10th of June: Isle of Man Radio Society has a questions and answers session with Ronnie Neil, operations manager for the Radiocommunications Agency. For further details telephone 01624 842786. South Normanton and District Amateur Radio Club has a video night. For further details telephone 01773 863892. Thornton Cleveleys Amateur Radio Society meets for a talk by the RA on 'Radio Interference'. For details telephone 01253 853554. Meetings for Tuesday the 11th of June: Bury Radio Society meets for a talk by G3OAG entitled 'Planning Permission in the Borough'. For more details telephone 0161 881 1850. Chester and District Amateur Radio Society has a 'Bring and Tell' evening. Telephone 0151 608 3229 for further details. Liverpool and District Amateur Radio Society has an on-the-air evening. Telephone 0151 722 1178 for more details. Wakefield and District Radio Society has an on-the-air evening. Further information from G3WWF on 0113 282 5519. Warrington Amateur Radio Club has a talk by George, G3OGQ on 'Receiver Performance Specifications'. For details call John, G0RPG on 01925 762722. Meetings for Wednesday the 12th of June: Hornsea Amateur Radio Club meets for a talk by G1YVL entitled 'Receiver Specifications'. Telephone 01964 533331 for details. Stockport Radio Society gathers for a talk by G0JQI entitled 'Show me - Aerials'. Contact Jim, G3KAF on 0161 439 4952 for more details. Wirral and District Amateur Radio Club has the Eileen Medley Challenge Cup DF hunt. For further information contact Bob, G4NCI on 0151 606 8989. Meetings for Thursday the 13th of June: Keighley Amateur Radio Society has a talk by G4ZVD entitled 'Weather Fax and Data'. Further details from Kath, G0RLO on 01274 496222. North Wakefield Radio Club gathers for a talk by Reverend George Dobbs, G3RJV on QRP construction. Telephone 01274 783583 for more details. Meetings for Friday the 14th of June: Goole Radio and Electronics Society has a VHF NFD planning session. For more details contact Ken, G6YYN on 01757 638539. North Ferriby Amateur Radio Society gathers for a talk by David, G7SAT on slow scan television. More details from David, G7PER on 01482 656324. South Manchester Radio Club gathers for a talk by G7NND entitled 'Confessions of a TV Broadcast Engineer'. Call 0161 969 1964 for details. Tynemouth Amateur Radio Club has a silent key auction. More details from Terry, G8EZL on 0191 2570799. NEWS FOR SCOTLAND Meeting for Wednesday the 12th of June: Perth and District Amateur Radio Group meets for a talk entitled 'CW and Things' by George, GM4HYF. For further details contact GM3THI on 01738 643435. NEWS FOR WALES Meeting for Monday the 10th of June: Cardiff RSGB Group meets for a talk by GW0CUM entitled 'Laws's War'. Contact GW4HWR on 01222 810368 for further information. Meeting for Wednesday the 12th of June: Arfon Repeater Group has its Annual General Meeting. Further information from John, GW0AQR whose address is correct in the latest RSGB Call Book. NEWS FOR NORTHERN IRELAND As announced previously, a new 80 metre newsreader is required to take over from GI3TLT at 1030 local time. Unless a volunteer can be found, this service will cease with the 22nd of June broadcast. Contact Ian Kyle, GI8AYZ, the GB2RS Manager, whose address and telephone number can be found in the "At Your Service" pages in RadCom. Meeting for Wednesday the 12th of June: Armagh and District Amateur Radio Club has a World Wide Webb demonstration. Telephone 01861 522153 for further details. -- GB2RS is prepared by the Radio Society of Great Britain. Tel +44 1707 659 015 Fax +44 1707 645 105